For a long time now, as I watch my own children grow up, I have been concerned about the lack of time many children spend playing out of doors.
As a child myself my play area's were wooded, muddy and often isolated. I spent time there making dens and using my imagination either with close friends or by myself. Our parents warned us of certain dangers and we were are careful as children exploring nature, their environment and their imaginations can be.
We were told not to go anywhere with people we did not know but there wasn't the apparent paranoia regarding 'stranger danger' and paedophiles that exists today.
I treasured those times, often during long summer days when I could roam and learn. It provided me with a free reign for my thoughts, exercise and fresh air.
Today I try to enable my own children to experience the same freedoms, despite my occasional reluctance to loosen the apron strings, because I think its important that they do so.
As the author of the article below says, children on the streets and out in the wilds are becoming a dying species. They are either indoors playing on their x-box, watching DVD's or doing far too much homework.
When they do emerge, blinking into the sunlight, certain groups of adults throw up their hands and start talking of 'intimidation' and 'asbo's'. Yes, there have always been and will always be some troublesome youths , but lets not tar them all with the same brush shall we.
The below article expands on this issue and I found it incredibly interesting.
I would advise readers to do as the author asks - stop and try to remember the favourite places you roamed when young. Remembering mine has just cheered me up immensely, despite the fact that it no longer exists, having been covered by a housing estate, a supermarket and the new Neath Port Talbot hospital.
Fear of traffic risks and `stranger danger' are holding our children
captive indoors. For the sake of their health and development, and
for the environment they will one day need to protect, we have to fi
nd ways of getting them into the wild.
Date:23/09/2005 Author:TIM GILL
Here's an unusal request from a feature writer: I'd like you to
stopreading this article right now. Takea few seconds to remember
your favourite place to play as a child.Where was that special
place? What did it look like? How did it smell? Don't carry on
reading until you have this place clearly pictured in your mind's
eye. Ready to read on? Good. Here are some predictions. Your
favourite childhood place to play was out of doors. It was away from
adults. And it was a `wild' place  not truly wild perhaps, but
unkempt, dirty, and quite possibly a little bit dangerous. How can I
be so sure? Because over the years I've asked lots of grown-ups this
question  parish clerks, senior civil servants, nursery workers,
landscape architecture undergraduates, council officials, foresters,
politicians, teachers  and they all say the same thing. If you
doubt me, just raise the subject at your next coffee break or party
and see what comes up.
Now some more memories: what did you do there, in that magical,
mysterious spot? Maybe you played tag and hide-and-seek, made mud
pies or built dens. You defi nitely hung out with your best friends,
and perhaps you spent time there on your own as well. Your
preferences are probably typical not just of your culture, class or
generation, but of children across the world and throughout history.
It seems that, given the chance, human beings in their middle years
of childhood love nothing more than a secret hideaway they can make
their own: usually a spot carefully chosen to be just out of earshot
of a shouting parent.
Yes, even the UK's current breed of batteryreared, celebrity-fed,
techno-kids would, given the chance, rather be outside meeting their
mates and mucking about than stuck indoors surfing the net.
And parents too say that they want their children to be able to play
out more. Yet children are disappearing from the outdoors at a rate
that would make them top of any conservationist's list of endangered
species if they were any other member of the animal kingdom. So does
it matter that kids aren't playing outside as much these days?
Let's start with health, and specifi cally with childhood obesity.
Here, everyone agrees: playing out keeps kids thinner. Even the
Government's own recent public health white paper accepts that the
loss of opportunities for spontaneous outdoor play is one of the
main causes of childhood obesity. Dr William Deitz, the leading US
Federal Government expert on nutrition and physical activity, claims
that play may be the `magic bullet' experts have been searching for,
saying in a British Medical Journal editorial, that `opportunities
for spontaneous play may be the only requirement that young children
need to increase their physical activity.'
The physical benefits of outdoor play should come as no surprise.
What's more remarkable is the growing evidence that children's
mental health and emotional well-being is enhanced by contact with
the outdoors, and that the restorative effect appears to be
strongest in natural settings.
Studies at the University of Illinois' Human-Environment Research
Laboratory on children with Attention-Hyperactivity Defi cit
Disorder (ADHD) have shown that green outdoor spaces not only foster
creative play and improve interactions with adults, they also
relieve the symptoms of the disorder. Although research on the
developmental signifi cance of childhood engagement with nature is
in its infancy, the researchers are convinced of the depth of the
connection between children's well-being and the environment,
claiming that contact with nature may be `as important to children
as good nutrition and adequate sleep'.
The great thing about many natural places is that they are ideal
environments for children to explore, giving them the chance to
expand their horizons and build their confi dence while learning
about and managing the risks for themselves. These places are
unpredictable, ever changing, and prone to the randomness of nature
and the vagaries of the weather. But far from being a problem, the
uncertainty and variation inherent in natural settings is part of
what attracts us to them in the fi rst place. Indeed in evolutionary
terms, it is the unsurpassed ability of Homo sapiens to adjust to
changes in our habitat that has, for better or worse,led us to be
the dominant species on the planet.
Which means that a bit of danger and uncertainty is actually good
for you. Bringing it back to children's play, the Danish landscape
architect Helle Nebelong  creator of some wonderful natural public
spaces in Copenhagen  puts it like this:
`I am convinced that standardised play equipment is dangerous. When
the distance between all the rungs on the climbing net or the ladder
is exactly the same, the child has no need to concentrate on where
he puts his feet. This lesson cannot be carried over into all the
knobbly and asymmetrical forms with which one is confronted
throughout life.'
But there's more to outdoor play than learning and health. Den-
building, bug-hunting and ponddipping make visible the intensity of
children's relationship with nature. These primal activities not
only show how closely attuned are our senses to the workings of the
natural world, but also speak to a deeper spiritual bond with
landscapes and living things that leaves impoverished those who,
whether by choice or compulsion, lead their lives indoors. In his
recent book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our kids from nature-
defi cit disorder, American journalist and parenting expert Richard
Louv argues that it is the immediacy, depth and unboundedness of
unstructured outdoor play that gives the nature-child encounter most
meaning, and that adult-led educational activities are a poor second-
best  and in the case of television or the internet, third or
fourth best.
Culture of fear
Just why is the decline in children's outdoor experiences happening?
The root causes of the dramatic loss of children's freedoms lie in
changes to the very fabric of their lives over the last 30 years or
so. An exponential growth in road traffic, alongside poor town
planning and shifts in the make-up and daily rhythms of families and
communities, have left children with fewer outdoor places to go and
fewer friendly faces looking out for them if they needed a bit of
help, a cuddle or simply a pee and a glass of water. These changes
coincided with  some would say fed into  the growth of what
sociologist Frank Furedi calls the `culture of fear': a generalised
anxiety about all manner of threats that found fertile ground in
turn-of-the-millennium families, even though children are
statistically safer from harm now than at any point in human
history. In a textbook demonstration of the mechanisms of the
market, these physical, economic and social changes and fears have
been exploited by manufacturers and advertisers, whose products and
messages both reinforce the logic of keeping children virtual
prisoners, and compel us to compensate them in the only way our cash-
rich, time-poor society seems to know: by spending money on them.
Successive governments must bear some of the blame for children's
captivity, through their promotion of planning policies that
relentlessly favour cars over communities and profit over people.
But when looking for evidence of political guilt, do not pay too
much attention to the much-bemoaned fate of playing fi elds.
Ironically, they are now more protected than any other type of land
use. In any case, they have always been more important to the sport-
playing men who monopolise them than to children, for whom they are
way down the list of most-loved outdoor spaces. Studies have shown
that, given the chance, children spend more time playing in the
bushes, trees and ditches around the edges of playing fi elds than
on the fl at green monocultures that are their raison d'etre. Again,
reawaken those childhood memories. For most of us, playing fi elds
were where we took part in the ritual humiliation known as school
sport or where, if we ever had the temerity to pay a visit in our
free time, belligerent adults would chase us off, determined not to
let our impromptu kick-about ruin their sacred pitch.No, the real
planning crimes lie elsewhere: in racetrack streets, in estates
devoid of attractive parks and green spaces, and in town plans that
wed families to their cars forever. There's no doubt that traffi c
danger, unlike stranger danger, is a real threat to children and a
legitimate worry for parents. Around 100 child pedestrians are
killed every year, a fi gure that puts the UK near the bottom of
Europe's child road safety league. It's no surprise that Government
fi gures show a steady fall in children walking or cycling over the
last twenty years or more, to the extent that while over 90 per cent
of kids own a bike, just two per cent cycle to school.
The upshot of these policies, which never gave children a second
thought, is to trap them in their increasingly well-appointed cells,
utterly dependent on the parental taxi service and make them captive
consumers of whatever indoor diversions they and their parents can
conjure up. Health experts have even coined a new word, obesogenic,
to describe those aspects of our lives that make us fat, and top of
the list is the design of streets, towns and cities.
Time is surely running out for those who want to reengage children
with the outdoors. Offi cial Government fi gures say that over 30
per cent of children aged eight to 10 never play outside without an
adult watching over them. And research by Mayer Hillman and
colleagues at the Policy Studies Institute suggests that, in a
single generation, the `home habitat' of a typical eightyear- old Â
the area in which children are able to travel on their own  has
shrunk to one-ninth of its former size. Actually, that was between
1971 and 1990, but do you think things have improved for children
since then? Neither do I. We face the prospect of a generation of
children growing up at best indifferent to, or at worst terrifi ed
of, the world outside their homes, and who will then, as adults,
pass on their fear of the outdoors to their own children, as Richard
Louv starkly evokes in the title of his book.
Natural play
How can this dismal future be avoided? It may be unrealistic to
think that we can ever fully restore to children the free-range
childhoods enjoyed by my generation. But we can take steps to loosen
their cages and extend their territory. My action plan for outdoor
play would start with the spaces and places children fi nd
themselves in every day: playgrounds, parks, schools and streets. If
what best feeds children's bodies, minds and spirits is frequent,
free-spirited, playful engagement with nature, we need to go with
the grain of their play instincts and put our efforts into creating
neighbourhood spaces where they can get down and dirty in natural
outdoor settings, free of charge and on a daily basis.
That's exactly what the authorities are doing in Freiburg, a German
city with strong green credentials situated on the edge of the Black
Forest. For over a decade now Freiburg's parks department has
stopped installing the sterile playgrounds full of tubular steel,
primary coloured plastic and expensive rubber surfacing, and instead
has been creating `nature playgrounds' that are a bit more, well,
earthy. The resulting landscapes are diverse spaces with mounds,
ditches, logs, fallen trees, boulders, bushes, wild fl owers and
dirt. Full of secret corners and shady spots, they are just like the
wild spaces of our childhood memories. Yet they meet the same Europe-
wide safety standards as UK playgrounds. As Freiburg's existing
public play areas wear out, the parks department works with local
children and adults to create these new-style nature playgrounds.
Over 40 have been built so far, and they are designed with a
lifetime in mind. Trees, bushes and fl owering plants are carefully
chosen to create playful nooks and crannies, to attract insects and
birds, and to mature and spread, adding mystery and richness to the
site as the years go by.
The construction methods of Freiburg's nature play areas are a model
of sustainability compared to the raw materials, heavy industrial
processes and carbon emissions that go into building conventional
playgrounds. And if the aesthetic and environmental arguments are
not enough to win you over, perhaps the price tag will. Freiburg's
nature play spaces are typically half the capital cost of a
conventional fi xed equipment play area of the same size, simply due
to the high costs of tubular steel, coloured plastic and unnecessary
hi-tech rubber surfacing. The approach was introduced after research
by the city's university showed that simply having good green space
near children's homes encouraged them out of doors and away from the
TV. The playgrounds have attracted international interest. Not
surprisingly, children love them too.
The UK is light-years behind Freiburg and Copenhagen  and for that
matter much of Northern Europe. But even here, what might be called
a `movement for real play' is beginning to spread. In Newcastle,
local residents involved in improving Exhibition Park organised
a `den day' to introduce children to the joys of shelter building.
Asked what they thought about the day, one boy said: `I love this,
getting really fi lthy dirty!' while a girl responded: `If I could
rewind back to this day every day I would. This is a mint day!' In
Scotland, Stirling Council has been inspired by Helle Nebelong to
create natural play spaces across the authority. While one site was
still being built, children started wrestling in the mud created by
the construction works, and their mums persuaded the council to keep
the muddy areas for good.
In the South West of England `Wild About Play', an environmental
play project, is supporting hundreds of playworkers and
environmental educators by sharing playful ideas for outdoor
activities. Children have told the project that what they most want
to do in the great outdoors is to make fi res and cook on them, and
to collect and eat wild foods. Another environmental project,
Greenstart, aims to show the benefi ts of contact with green spaces
for younger children through running activity programmes in local
outdoor spaces in Northumberland. One five-year-old boy involved in
a family tree planting event said: `I can't wait to go back and see
my tree.' In Cambridge, Bath and Haringey, that near-extinct species
the park keeper is appearing in a new guise. Called `play rangers'
they are specially trained and run playful activities at set times,
helping to build up usage, familiarity and ultimately ownership of
these spaces. Forest schools  where teachers regularly spend whole
days in the woods with their classes  are starting up in many
woodland areas, supported nationally by an alliance of conservation
charities, the Timber Trade Federation and the Forestry Commission.
The charity Learning through Landscapes is helping schools across
the country create some fi ne natural playgrounds.
Not content with just forest schools and traditional playgrounds,
the Forestry Commission in England has been working with me to look
at other ways we can attract and engage children and young people in
woodlands. We recently visited Freiburg's nature playgrounds and
were inspired by what we saw. Realising that adventure is an
essential feature of any woodland visit, we have started thinking
about ways to give children  and their parents  the confi dence to
enjoy more intimate, unregulated contact with the wildlife and
landscapes of the woods. At some sites, we are looking at literally
pulling down the fences between the play areas and the forest
beyond. At others, we want to give children the message that they
are not just allowed to build dens and dam streams, they are
positively encouraged to do so. If you think this sounds reckless,
remember: children are better at managing the risks in natural
settings than we give them credit for. After all on a beach, the sea
is anything but safe, but have you ever seen a fence between you and
the shoreline?
Exciting outdoor environments are all very well, but children have
to be able to get to them. Of course, streets are the starting point
for so many children's independent outdoor adventures, and with
traffi c rising every year, the prospects for reclaiming them may
look bleak. But green shoots of hope are springing up amidst the
Contrary to what car-loving journalists might say, many communities
are crying out for safer streets with lower speed limits and less
traffi c. A growing alliance of environmental, road safety and
children's agencies has signed up to `20's plenty', the call for a
standard speed limit of 20 mph in residential areas. Some
communities have gone even further and worked with local councils to
create `home zones': people-friendly streets based on continental
designs, where the streetspace is transformed from a car corridor to
a shared social space in which people can meet, children can play
and the car driver is a guest. Having been part of the original
campaign to introduce home zones to the UK a decade ago, I recently
surveyed some 40 schemes to fi nd out their impact. Over half
reported more children walking, cycling and playing in the street.
Intriguingly, some schemes have also seen falling crime rates and
rising levels of community activity in the form of litter
collections, festivals and street parties.
Parental guidance
We parents also have the power to resist the seductions of
consumerism and play our part in restoring to children some of the
freedoms we took for granted when we were young. We can say no a
little more, switch off the screens and direct our children's
curious eyes to some altogether more expansive vistas. In doing so,
we need to face up to our fears and chip away at the free-fl oating
anxiety that can so easily beset us. Some threats  traffi c, for
instance  are real, and can ultimately only be tackled by
governments in response to political pressure. But others need to be
seen for what they are: a social neurosis stemming from a collective
loss of nerve.
For instance, in the UK we have become completely paranoid about the
threat to children from strangers. Fewer than one child in a million
is killed by a stranger each year. The numbers have if anything
declined since the Second World War. Over ten times as many children
are killed by cars, and around fi ve times as many by their own
parents or relatives. Yet on the mercifully rare occasions when the
worst does happen, the headline that greets us is `no child is
safe'. As a parent, I believe it's about time we rose up en masse
and showed this fear for what it is: scare mongering. The media has
to shoulder much of the blame. Their hyper-emotive stories appear
cruelly crafted to scare us witless, undermining any attempt by
readers and viewers to balance a reasonable interest in human
tragedy with a realistic assessment of the risks. The real tragedy
is that parents' anxieties and restrictions feed the very fear of
the outdoors that gets so readily translated into `stranger danger'.
Criminologists have long known that in streets, parks and
playgrounds there is safety in numbers. Turn that around and you get
deserted streets, underused parks and empty playgrounds leading to a
vicious circle of fear, vandalism, misuse and decay. So I say to
every parent, wake up and smell the fresh air: take your child to
your local park and help save the planet. Better still, why not
arrange some outdoor play dates with fellow parents?
You'll help spread that outdoor vibe, your child will have twice the
fun and who knows, you might even enjoy yourself.
You may think that risk aversion, together with its legal offspring
the compensation culture, are everywhere. Barely a week goes by
without the media reporting some or other nonsensical health and
safety diktat allegedly handed down from on high. Conkers, pet
corners, egg boxes, even daisy chains have been deemed a danger too
far for our children.
My response once again is: use your common sense and don't believe
the hype. The safety Nazis and the compensation culture are, if not
quite myths, then certainly paper tigers. Here's a quote: `An
essential part of the process of a child becoming an adult is the
need, and desire, to explore limits and to try new experiences.'
Read that quote again and think about it. Its source may surprise
you. It is not from the youth wing of the Dangerous Sports Club. It
is from CEN, Europe's leading safety standards agency. As a
statement about what children deserve, you could not wish for
anything clearer. What would most help parents cure themselves of
risk anxiety is more of these reassuring, supportive messages: more
voices that say: `You can be a good parent and still give your
children a taste of freedom.'
Turning to the courts, the reality is that they are no more likely
today to hand down daft judgements than they were 10, 20 or a
hundred years ago. To take just one example, a recent ruling
actually forced the Corporation of London to allow swimmers access
to Highgate Ponds even when lifeguards are not present. Janet
Paraskeva, chief executive of the Law Society, says: `In recent
years accident claims, far from rising, have remained static and
then fell last year by 9.5 per cent.' Again, it is down to each of
us to challenge the myth of the compensation culture and to restore
some balance.
Too many children spend far too much time stuck in front of screens,
not so much couch potatoes as couch prisoners. Too many of the
streets where children live have become the sole domain of the car.
For too long children's outdoor play has been overly haunted by the
spectre of the predatory paedophile and the health and safety
zealot. Too many parents forget their own childhoods and switch off
their common sense, excessively infl uenced by sensationalist media
coverage on the one hand and seductive advertising on the other.
It is also likely that `battery-reared' children will lack confi
dence as they grow up and be more vulnerable to bullying.
Researchers have found a link between children who become victims of
bullying and the protectiveness of their parents. And in 1999 the
report Bright Futures: Promoting Children and Young People's Mental
Health from the Mental Health Foundation warned of the dangers of
overprotecting children and stopping them from developing their own
coping mechanisms. All this is a disaster for anyone who wants to
bring freedom, adventure and nature back into the daily rhythms of
children's lives. Surely it's about time we all recognised the value
of allowing children to truly get to grips with the knobbly and
asymmetrical forms of the natural world. Just as we all did when we
were young.
To stand a chance of restoring the outdoors as childhood's rightful
domain, a movement for real play needs to do more than just create
projects on the ground, however inspiring these may be. We need a
high-profi le campaign with clear objectives, powerful advocates and
at its heart a vision of children once again claiming their rightful
place out of doors and immersing themselves in nature.
We need
- A national programme to upgrade the thousands of parks and public
play areas that many councils will otherwise leave to rust and rot.
- housing developers to be required by law to create attractive,
playful green spaces within easy reach of every child and family,
and to ensure that streets are designed as home zones.
- politicians to get the message that a speed limit of `20' really
is `plenty' in streets where children live.
- to tell Government that it's not acceptable to build schools with
postage stamp-sized playgrounds devoid of greenery, or to warehouse
children in nurseries with no outdoor space.
- to involve children themselves in creating and maintaining play
spaces, so that their views can be taken into account and they feel
ownership of the results.
All this may sound ambitious, but public campaigns can still make a
difference. No one in Government gave school meals a second thought
until Jamie Oliver switched on his food processor and showed us the
truth about the `food' we were offering the nation's children.
Imagine the waves that J K Rowling, say, would make if she declared
that, when it comes to stretching a child's spirit, the nation's
playgrounds offer a diet of adventure unworthy of any aspiring Harry
Potter. Picture the impact that David Attenborough would have if he
argued that children out of doors are just as good an indicator of
the quality of their habitats as wild salmon are of theirs, and
deserved just as much protection.
Copyright Tim Gill, Writer and consultant
Fair Play for Children:
Federation of city farms and community gardens:
Forest Education Initiative:
Free Play Network:
Green space:
Haringey play rangers:
Helle Nebelong:
Learning through Landscapes:
Natural Learning Initiative:
Transport 2000 speed campaigning:
Wild About Play:
Woodland Trust:
Exhibition & Brandling Parks Community Trust:
Friday, September 23, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
Where have all the local shops gone?
And its not just local shops either. The last decade has seen a rapid decrease in the number and variety of locally available public services in many parts of Aberavon. Those who suffer from this the worst are those who live furthest up the valley's but it is also a significant problem closer to the town centre. New housing developments are cropping up that are quite some distance from the most basic of services. They lack a local shop, a post office, some dont even have pavements!
Developers and designers of these estates assume that all residents will have a car and can drive to access these services but that is only encouraging extra car use. And in a town where 31% of the population suffer from a long-term disability it is also impractical.
Surely we should be encouraging a fitter Aberavon, with residents able to walk to the majority of their public services thereby looking after their personal health as well as their local environment.
And what about the children? More and more small, local schools are at risk of closure due to dropping pupil numbers. With their closure comes an increase in the numbers of children being driven by car or bus to their place of education, hardly helpful when we are witnessing a dramatic rise in obese and unfit youngsters.
As Green Party candidate for Aberavon, I believe that everyone should have the choice of local public services, easily accessable to them. They should be able to walk, cycle or use a short bus ride to reach their place of work, education, and a choice of local shops providing healthy, nutritious food. They should not have to travel large distances to reach their post office or job centre and importantly they should be able to access health care locally. Why is it that when you call for health care advice outside of normal office hours in Aberavon you have to speak to someone in London or Birmingham? People at the end of the phone, hundreds of miles away, decide whether or not to send you a doctor or ask you to attend your local hospital.
Moving vital services like this away from the local area leads to situations such as one I heard of recently, where one lady in Swansea was informed that her nearest hospital was in Shrewsbury!
Lets face it - people and communities in Aberavon deserve better.
Miranda La Vey.
Developers and designers of these estates assume that all residents will have a car and can drive to access these services but that is only encouraging extra car use. And in a town where 31% of the population suffer from a long-term disability it is also impractical.
Surely we should be encouraging a fitter Aberavon, with residents able to walk to the majority of their public services thereby looking after their personal health as well as their local environment.
And what about the children? More and more small, local schools are at risk of closure due to dropping pupil numbers. With their closure comes an increase in the numbers of children being driven by car or bus to their place of education, hardly helpful when we are witnessing a dramatic rise in obese and unfit youngsters.
As Green Party candidate for Aberavon, I believe that everyone should have the choice of local public services, easily accessable to them. They should be able to walk, cycle or use a short bus ride to reach their place of work, education, and a choice of local shops providing healthy, nutritious food. They should not have to travel large distances to reach their post office or job centre and importantly they should be able to access health care locally. Why is it that when you call for health care advice outside of normal office hours in Aberavon you have to speak to someone in London or Birmingham? People at the end of the phone, hundreds of miles away, decide whether or not to send you a doctor or ask you to attend your local hospital.
Moving vital services like this away from the local area leads to situations such as one I heard of recently, where one lady in Swansea was informed that her nearest hospital was in Shrewsbury!
Lets face it - people and communities in Aberavon deserve better.
Miranda La Vey.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
So who is your candidate?
Miranda La Vey is the current Deputy leader of Wales Green Party and the Education spokesperson for the Green Party of England & Wales.
She is a founder member of the West Glamorgan Real nappy network, the campaign organizer for the campaign for a Welsh breastfeeding bill, a qualified nurse and mother of four. She currently lives with her partner and four children in Cimla, Neath.
Ms. La Vey spent a very happy childhood in Port Talbot, growing up on Baglan Moors, attending a local primary school and for a short period of time Sandfields Comprehensive School.
Most of her family still lives in the Aberavon constituency and it has always maintained a place in her heart.
“There are many environmental, health and social issues that I believe need to be addressed within Port Talbot.
As a nurse, I have many concerns about the health of the Port Talbot population.
The 2001 census figures revealed that nearly 31% of the population of the town suffered from limiting long-term illness, a figure which I doubt very much has receded since that date. The people of Port Talbot deserve more holistic health care and the industries which have created this ill health need to be made more accountable as for decades Port Talbot has been made a victim of environmental injustice. In addition, programs which encourage and educate about healthy living need to be implemented at all levels”.
“Port Talbot has a low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) compared with the UK as a whole, high and currently rising unemployment levels and increasing problems of social and economic exclusion.
As a town, Port Talbot was built upon and has relied on the steel industry and other heavy industries. These are now leaking jobs along with their toxins and it is time that cleaner, safer industries were assisted to operate within Port Talbot in order to create more sustainable employment. The town has relied too heavily on large multi-national companies and self-employment and small business has not been encouraged. The resulting unemployment when large companies cut jobs is of great concern.”
As education spokesperson for the Green Party of England & Wales, Miranda feels strongly that the future of Aberavon lies with the growing generation and the skills that they acquire through their educational provision.
“In the UK we currently have a ‘one size fits all’ education system when actually research into learning and education reveals time after time that this is a very ineffective way to teach. The Green Party believes that the practice of mass education still dominates, with increasing standardisation of a knowledge-based curriculum, and national testing. This completely disregards the importance of diverse learning styles.
“We have also become obsessed with academia, pushing all children in that direction regardless of their ability or desire. This has meant that some children who would be better suited to following a vocational path have been unable to do so and have been left feeling as if they have failed and that they have been abandoned by the education system.
“Children are a national asset, we must teach them well. We need to ensure that the education we provide is inspiring and supports the development of strong minded individuals with a desire to learn more”.
As a Green party parliamentary candidate Ms. La Vey would be campaigning for changes to ensure a healthier and more prosperous Port Talbot with improved public services.
She is a founder member of the West Glamorgan Real nappy network, the campaign organizer for the campaign for a Welsh breastfeeding bill, a qualified nurse and mother of four. She currently lives with her partner and four children in Cimla, Neath.
Ms. La Vey spent a very happy childhood in Port Talbot, growing up on Baglan Moors, attending a local primary school and for a short period of time Sandfields Comprehensive School.
Most of her family still lives in the Aberavon constituency and it has always maintained a place in her heart.
“There are many environmental, health and social issues that I believe need to be addressed within Port Talbot.
As a nurse, I have many concerns about the health of the Port Talbot population.
The 2001 census figures revealed that nearly 31% of the population of the town suffered from limiting long-term illness, a figure which I doubt very much has receded since that date. The people of Port Talbot deserve more holistic health care and the industries which have created this ill health need to be made more accountable as for decades Port Talbot has been made a victim of environmental injustice. In addition, programs which encourage and educate about healthy living need to be implemented at all levels”.
“Port Talbot has a low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) compared with the UK as a whole, high and currently rising unemployment levels and increasing problems of social and economic exclusion.
As a town, Port Talbot was built upon and has relied on the steel industry and other heavy industries. These are now leaking jobs along with their toxins and it is time that cleaner, safer industries were assisted to operate within Port Talbot in order to create more sustainable employment. The town has relied too heavily on large multi-national companies and self-employment and small business has not been encouraged. The resulting unemployment when large companies cut jobs is of great concern.”
As education spokesperson for the Green Party of England & Wales, Miranda feels strongly that the future of Aberavon lies with the growing generation and the skills that they acquire through their educational provision.
“In the UK we currently have a ‘one size fits all’ education system when actually research into learning and education reveals time after time that this is a very ineffective way to teach. The Green Party believes that the practice of mass education still dominates, with increasing standardisation of a knowledge-based curriculum, and national testing. This completely disregards the importance of diverse learning styles.
“We have also become obsessed with academia, pushing all children in that direction regardless of their ability or desire. This has meant that some children who would be better suited to following a vocational path have been unable to do so and have been left feeling as if they have failed and that they have been abandoned by the education system.
“Children are a national asset, we must teach them well. We need to ensure that the education we provide is inspiring and supports the development of strong minded individuals with a desire to learn more”.
As a Green party parliamentary candidate Ms. La Vey would be campaigning for changes to ensure a healthier and more prosperous Port Talbot with improved public services.
Welcome to my blog spot.
As Green Party Parliamentary candidate for the Aberavon constituency I am extremely concerned with how many people feel completely disengaged from politics. I am even more concerned, however, with how many politicians seem to keep the public at arms length, completely disregarding their opinions.
Here on this blog you will be able to follow my election campaign in Aberavon and you will find statements and news from myself and the Green Party.
You'll even be able to post comments and opinions yourself.
Please keep checking back regularly for updates.
Miranda La Vey
As Green Party Parliamentary candidate for the Aberavon constituency I am extremely concerned with how many people feel completely disengaged from politics. I am even more concerned, however, with how many politicians seem to keep the public at arms length, completely disregarding their opinions.
Here on this blog you will be able to follow my election campaign in Aberavon and you will find statements and news from myself and the Green Party.
You'll even be able to post comments and opinions yourself.
Please keep checking back regularly for updates.
Miranda La Vey

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