Miranda La Vey is the current Deputy leader of Wales Green Party and the Education spokesperson for the Green Party of England & Wales.
She is a founder member of the West Glamorgan Real nappy network, the campaign organizer for the campaign for a Welsh breastfeeding bill, a qualified nurse and mother of four. She currently lives with her partner and four children in Cimla, Neath.
Ms. La Vey spent a very happy childhood in Port Talbot, growing up on Baglan Moors, attending a local primary school and for a short period of time Sandfields Comprehensive School.
Most of her family still lives in the Aberavon constituency and it has always maintained a place in her heart.
“There are many environmental, health and social issues that I believe need to be addressed within Port Talbot.
As a nurse, I have many concerns about the health of the Port Talbot population.
The 2001 census figures revealed that nearly 31% of the population of the town suffered from limiting long-term illness, a figure which I doubt very much has receded since that date. The people of Port Talbot deserve more holistic health care and the industries which have created this ill health need to be made more accountable as for decades Port Talbot has been made a victim of environmental injustice. In addition, programs which encourage and educate about healthy living need to be implemented at all levels”.
“Port Talbot has a low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) compared with the UK as a whole, high and currently rising unemployment levels and increasing problems of social and economic exclusion.
As a town, Port Talbot was built upon and has relied on the steel industry and other heavy industries. These are now leaking jobs along with their toxins and it is time that cleaner, safer industries were assisted to operate within Port Talbot in order to create more sustainable employment. The town has relied too heavily on large multi-national companies and self-employment and small business has not been encouraged. The resulting unemployment when large companies cut jobs is of great concern.”
As education spokesperson for the Green Party of England & Wales, Miranda feels strongly that the future of Aberavon lies with the growing generation and the skills that they acquire through their educational provision.
“In the UK we currently have a ‘one size fits all’ education system when actually research into learning and education reveals time after time that this is a very ineffective way to teach. The Green Party believes that the practice of mass education still dominates, with increasing standardisation of a knowledge-based curriculum, and national testing. This completely disregards the importance of diverse learning styles.
“We have also become obsessed with academia, pushing all children in that direction regardless of their ability or desire. This has meant that some children who would be better suited to following a vocational path have been unable to do so and have been left feeling as if they have failed and that they have been abandoned by the education system.
“Children are a national asset, we must teach them well. We need to ensure that the education we provide is inspiring and supports the development of strong minded individuals with a desire to learn more”.
As a Green party parliamentary candidate Ms. La Vey would be campaigning for changes to ensure a healthier and more prosperous Port Talbot with improved public services.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Welcome to my blog spot.
As Green Party Parliamentary candidate for the Aberavon constituency I am extremely concerned with how many people feel completely disengaged from politics. I am even more concerned, however, with how many politicians seem to keep the public at arms length, completely disregarding their opinions.
Here on this blog you will be able to follow my election campaign in Aberavon and you will find statements and news from myself and the Green Party.
You'll even be able to post comments and opinions yourself.
Please keep checking back regularly for updates.
Miranda La Vey
As Green Party Parliamentary candidate for the Aberavon constituency I am extremely concerned with how many people feel completely disengaged from politics. I am even more concerned, however, with how many politicians seem to keep the public at arms length, completely disregarding their opinions.
Here on this blog you will be able to follow my election campaign in Aberavon and you will find statements and news from myself and the Green Party.
You'll even be able to post comments and opinions yourself.
Please keep checking back regularly for updates.
Miranda La Vey
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