Thursday, May 17, 2007

Zip, Zip-here I come!

Warning to all drivers in the Neath area....remain off the roads on Friday the 25th. My advice to you would be to take the train on that day, or even better, ring in sick and stay home. You see, the 25th is the day I take my Compulsory Basic Training and (hopefully) ride my new scooter home.
Please meet the Piaggio 'Zip'.

The situation with the trains and the difficulty I have in commuting back and fro to work forced my hand and persuaded me to get some wheels (even if it is only two).
Heres the confession though: I am petrified! Why is it, when I have suddenly made this decision, the TV is teaming with news stories about the huge number of bikers killed on our roads every year?!
And why is it now that the council have decided to dig up the roads in Neath and start to resurface them, leaving uneven roads and potholes inviting me to take a spill the very first day?!
I have to get over the fear though, face up to it and get riding, because try as I might, I cant cope with our dreadful rail service anymore.
Ok, its not very 'Green' of me. I hear you. But hell, the bike does 100mpg and I promise to find out if I can fill the thing up with bio-diesel...ok!
So there, I've warned you, you cant say I didnt.
Miranda's got a afraid, be very afraid!

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